Autoinflammation 2013: 7th international Congress of FMF and AIDs

The 7th Congress of ISSAID, International Society of Systemic Auto-Inflammatory Diseases will welcome you in Lausanne, Switzerland, from May 22 to 26, 2013.

The meeting will offer a unique opportunity to gather experts on FMF and the other auto-inflammatory diseases. They will come from all over the world to discuss the latest scientific and clinical issues on different topics, including the challenges of the new treatments.

The conference will be held in the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), facing the wonderful Lake of Geneva and the Alps. Lausanne is the city of the Inflammasome by hosting the research team of Jürg Tschopp, who worked on its discovery.

 Lausanne is located in the centre of Europe, at 30 minutes from Geneva airport. It is a city of Art and the Capital of the Olympic Games.

The organisers 7th Conference on ISSAID, are very pleased to invite you to join the first Young Investigator Meeting (YIM). The YIM will precede the ISSAID meetings’ start on Wednesday May 22th 2013 from 13:00 to 17:35. YIM investigators (up to 40yo) are invited to submit an abstract as the presenting author. Short oral communications and poster viewing session will then allow for friendly and stimulating discussions on basic, translational and clinical research on auto-inflammatory diseases.

Presenting authors selected for the YIM will find the complete instructions for poster and oral presentations here.

13:00-17:35 Young Investigator Meeting Program

 (With the kind support of sobi)

13:00-13:05 Introduction

Alexandre Belot

13:05-14:20 Session 1 : Clinical research in Auto-inflammatory diseases

Chairmen: Helen Lachman, Yackov Berkun

YO-C001: Pyrin 577 mutations in dominant autoinflammation: Monique Stoffels, Nijmegen, Netherlands

YO-C003: Papa syndrome clinical spectrum and IL1B release: Alessia Omenetti, Genoa, Italy

YO-C004: The Eurofever registry: 3 years of enrolment: Silvia Federici, Genova, Italy

YO-C005: SLC29A3 mutation: a new autoinflammatory condition: Isabelle Melki, Paris, France

YO-C006: Validation of pediatric diagnostic criteria in FMF: Erkan Demirkaya, Turkey

YO-C002: MHC complexity in Behçet’s disease: Michael J. Ombrello, Bethesda, USA

14:20-15:50 Session 2 : Poster walk

Moderators viewing tour 1: Yackov Berkun and Helen Lachmann

Moderator viewing tour 2: Erkan Demirkaya

Moderator viewing tour 3: Petra-Hissink-Muller

Moderator viewing tour 4: Jana Pachlopnik

Moderator viewing tour 5: Marco Gattorno

Moderator viewing tour 6: Dirk Holzinger

Moderator viewing tour 7: Isabelle Jeru

Moderator viewing tour 8: Alexandre Belot

15:50-16:10 Coffee break

16:10-17:30 Session 3: Translational research in Auto-inflammatory diseases

Chairmen : Marco Gattorno, Isabelle Jéru

YO-T001: Mast cells respond to pathogen signals with IL-1ß: Luise Kraas,Berlin, Germany

YO-T002: Circulating microRNAs in TRAPS: Orso Maria Lucherini, Siena, Italy

YO-T003: MEFV genotype, IL1B and role OF NLRP3 in FMF: Alessia Omenetti,Genoa, Italy

YO-T004: MRP8 /14 promote MSU-crystal induced inflammation: Dirk Holzinger, Münster, Germany

YO-T005: S100A12 as pro-inflammatory TLR4 ligand: Christoph Kessel, Münster, Germany

YO-T006: A mutation in NLRP1A causes autoinflammation: Seth Masters, Parkville, Australia


17:30-17:35 Conclusion

Michaël Hofer

The congress secretariat:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone +41 22 33 99 728).