The goals of the International Osteogenesis Imperfecta conference involve continued stimulation of the rapid and exciting pace of OI research, specifically: 1) to bring together the basic and clinical international experts on OI for a full and frank exchange of the latest unpublished data, where clinicians and basic researchers can each benefit from the insights of the other group; 2) to generate a venue for full presentation of unpublished basic data on OI with the goal of stimulating collaborations and continued research progress, as has occurred at this conference in the past; 3) to generate practical discussions related to implementation of advances in traditional and molecular treatments, 4) to serve as a training venue with respect to OI research for junior staff, 5) and to bring together the research community and the various international patient support groups.
Contact: Joan C. Marini, M.D., Ph.D. (301) 594-3418