
Description: On July 11-13, Genetic Alliance will hold its 2008 Annual Conference at the Bethesda North Marriott in Bethesda, Maryland. Like last year`s conference, which was attended by more than 200 advocates, health professionals, policymakers, industry professionals, and community leaders, the 2008 conference will provide an outstanding opportunity to participate in...
Description: The purpose of this conference is to assemble investigators representing past or ongoing case-control studies of differentiated thyriod carcinoma (DTC) who have collected germline DNA samples and information on environmental exposures and lifestyle factors, with a view to conducting pooled or parallel analyses of results in the future. In addition,...
Description: The purpose of the annual Meeting is to provide a forum to bring together basic and clinical NF investigators to present their latest research. Each year the Meeting focuses on various key issues in the NF research landscape. The Meeting also traditionally includes a number of high-profile keynote speakers not...
(a) addressing the current state of knowledge, (b) identifying emerging issues or continuing gaps in knowledge, and (c) exploring future opportunities for research. A research agenda developed from this workshop would be extremely valuable (1) to better understand how adverse events/experiences in the preconception period influences the gamete, embryo, fetus...
The anticipated goals of this conference are to examine how insights gained from both animal and human studies might lead to more effective treatments of recessive forms of OI and of the more common dominantly inherited forms; to identify research directions that will benefit from cooperative and integrated approaches; and...
The conference fee of £50 or $100 per adult (children under 18 are free) will include three nights at the hotel, plus Tuesday dinner, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Wednesday and Thursday and all conference sessions and events. Each family will need to (a) register with the PC Patient Support...
Also on the agenda is Yale research news on the connection between a single gene mutation and the numerous symptoms of Lowe syndrome. Led by Pietro De Camilli, a professor at the School of Medicine, a paper published in Developmental Cell in November 2007, describes the molecular process that produces...
Description: The purposes of the working group are to discuss current knowledge related to cost-effective analysis (CEA) in rare diseases, identify gaps in this body of knowledge, and strategize next steps for incorporating CEA into the evaluation of biobehavioral interventions. It is anticipated that the working group will provide recommendations that...
Description: Goals of the workshop are to organize and implement a patient registry, establish algorithms that optimize diagnostic testing and identify strategies for the development of therapies. The results of this conference will be useful to investigators interested in these diseases by improving access to research resources important for progress of...
Description: It is expected that this scientific workshop will provide the opportunities: 1) To review the clinical course of all available presymptomatic children transplanted for Krabbe disease, to include serial neuroimaging, cerebrospinal fluid findings, and neurophysiologic studies. (Is the defect central, peripheral or both? Are there differences in outcome based on...
Description: The major goals in organizing the conference include: (1) Discussion of the current status of salivary gland research and the evolving questions, (2) Cutting-edge presentations on a variety of research projects relevant to salivary gland research, (3) Discussion of emerging fields and future areas of research emphasis, (4) Introduction for...
Description: The meeting will bring together scientists from different fields to facilitate interaction and collaboration. It will involve scientists from basic research, industry, government policy makers, and clinicians. The underlying goals of this meeting are to identify new avenues of investigation, to define therapeutic strategies for the maintenance of genomic integrity,...
An important goal of the meeting is to allow ample opportunity for new emerging areas to be represented. Therefore, at least 20% of the invited presentations will be chosen from the submitted abstracts that describe late-breaking news. Participants were able to begin submitting their abstracts in November 2007. All abstracts...
Areas of investigation Autoimmune Diseases Cardiovascular Diseases CNS Drug Delivery Gene Therapy Infectious Diseases Medical Devices Oncology Specialty Pharmaceuticals Therapeutic Vaccines   Who should attend Institutional Investors Venture Capitalists Sophisticated Private Investors Business Development & Partnering Executives Chief Scientific Officers Corporate Executives Scientists   Further information:
The E-Rare consortium is pleased to announce a workshop on the use of database management systems and biobanks in the field of rare diseases. The aim of this workshop is to bring together a small group of developers/users of such databases from different countries, to let them exchange their experiences...
Dates and venue of the congress The World Rett Syndrome Congress will be held on October 10-13, 2008 at the: Maison de la Mutualit̩ 24 rue Saint-Victor Р75250 Paris Cedex 05 РFrance Subway stations: Maubert Mutualit̩, Cardinal Lemoine & Jussieu RER: ligne B, station Saint-Michel-Notre-Dame Congress secretariat...