Superior mesenteric artery syndrome


A rare condition where the third portion of the duodenum is compressed between two large blood vessels - the aorta and superior mesenteric artery.


* Postprandial fullness * Abdominal cramps * Abdominal pain * Nausea * Vomiting * Failure to gain weight * Slender build * Kyphoscoliosis * Lordosis * Weight loss * Reduced body fat * Enlarge lymph nodes * Retroperitoneal tumors * Intestinal rotation


* High Blood Pressure Testing - Blood Pressure Tests - Blood Pressure Monitors - Heart Tests * Heart Health Testing: - Heart Rate Monitors - Irregular Heartbeat Detection - Heart Electrocardiogram (ECG) - Cholesterol Tests


The 'prognosis' of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome usually refers to the likely outcome of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome. The prognosis of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome may include the duration of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, chances of complications of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Superior mesenteric artery syndrome, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Superior mesenteric artery syndrome. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.