Retroperitoneal liposarcoma


A rare, slow growing tumor that develops in the retroperitoneal cavity of the abdomen and tends to displace organs rather than destroy them. The tumor generally contains fat and soft tissue.


Abdominal discomfort Enlarged abdomen Abdominal mass Asymptomatic in early stages


The 'prognosis' of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma usually refers to the likely outcome of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma. The prognosis of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma may include the duration of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma, chances of complications of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Retroperitoneal liposarcoma, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Retroperitoneal liposarcoma. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.


Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy