Hennekam lymphangiectasia lymphedema syndrome


Hennekam lymphangiectasia lymphedema syndrome (medical condition): A rare disorder characterized by buildup of lymphatic fluid in the limbs, face and genitals, seizures and mental and growth retardation. Hennekam lymphangiectasia lymphedema syndrome: Another name for Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type (or close medical condition association). Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type: A rare disorder characterized by buildup of lymphatic fluid in the limbs, face and genitals, seizures and mental and growth retardation.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type includes the 40 symptoms listed below: * Diarrhea * Growth retardation * Mental retardation * Seizures * Characteristic oriental facial features * Lymphedema * Oozing lymph glands * Increased blood protein levels * Lymphedema * Facial anomalies * Intestinal lymphangiectasia * Severe respiratory distress at birth * Narrow upper thorax * Pulmonary lymphangiectasia * Mental retardation * Protein-losing enteropathy * Mild growth retardation * Peripheral edema * Ascites * Flat face * Broad nose bridge * Flattened nose bridge * Wide set eyes * Epicanthal folds * Small mouth * Low set ears * Abnormal ear shape * Delayed puberty * Tooth anomaly * Enlarged gums * Seizures * Blood vessel anomalies * Hypogammaglobulinemia * Hypoalbuminemia * Lymphopenia * Downslanted eye slits * Humoral immune deficit * Small jaw * Tooth anomalies * Flat upper lip groove Note that Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type symptoms usually refers to various symptoms known to a patient, but the phrase Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type signs may refer to those signs only noticable by a doctor.


* Ascites * Broad nose bridge * Delayed puberty * Diarrhea * Enlarged gums * Epicanthal folds * Facial anomalies * Flat face * Growth retardation * Hypoalbuminemia * Low set ears * Lymphedema * Lymphedema * Mental retardation * Mental retardation * Peripheral edema * Seizures * Seizures * Small jaw * Small mouth * Wide set eyes


The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type signs or Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Lymphangiectasies and lymphedema Hennekam type symptoms.