Fatal familial insomnia


A rare brain disease where the patient loses the ability to fall asleep. Prognosis is poor and the inability to sleep is gradually degenerative and eventually fatal.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Fatal familial insomnia includes the 13 symptoms listed below: * Insomnia * Hallucinations * Stupor * Coma * Progressive insomnia * Fever * Excessive sweating * Myosis * Sphincter disturbances * Dream-like status * Speaking difficulty * Tremor * Involuntary muscle contraction


* Coma * Excessive sweating * Fever * Hallucinations * Insomnia * Involuntary muscle contraction * Speaking difficulty * Stupor * Tremor


These home medical tests may be relevant to Fatal familial insomnia: * Sleep Disorders: Home Testing o Home Sleep Tests o Sleep Apnea Tests