Familial polyposis


A polyposis syndrome due to an autosomal dominant mutation of the APC genes (GENES, APC) on CHROMOSOME 5. The syndrome is characterized by the development of hundreds of ADENOMATOUS POLYPS in the COLON and RECTUM of affected individuals by early adulthood. The lifetime risk of colorectal cancer in these patients reaches 100 percent by age 60.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Familial polyposis includes the 4 symptoms listed below: * Colorectal polyps * Colon polyps * Rectal polyps * See also symptoms of colorectal polyps


Click on any of the symptoms below to see a full list of other causes including diseases, medical conditions, toxins, drug interactions, or drug side effect causes of that symptom. * Colon polyps - see all causes of Bowel problems * See also symptoms of colorectal polyps


The list of diagnostic tests mentioned in various sources as used in the diagnosis of Familial polyposis includes: * Colonoscopy * Barium enema These home medical tests may be relevant to Familial polyposis: * Colon & Rectal Cancer: Home Testing o Home Colorectal Cancer Tests o Home Fecal Occult Bleeding Tests