Endometrial stromal sarcoma


A rare type of cancer that develops from the endometrial layer of the uterus. The cancer may be slow-growing or aggressive and may metastasize


  • abnormal bleeding or spotting 
  • bleeding after menopause
  • vaginal discharge 
  • pelvic pain or mass/tumor 
  • feeling of fullness in your pelvis



  • sampling and testing endometrial tissue 
  • complete medical history and physical exam
  • endometrial biopsy
  • hysteroscopy
  • dilation and curettage
  • transvaginal ultrasound 
  • CT scans/MRI scans/PET scans



The prognosis of Endometrial stromal sarcoma may include the duration of Endometrial stromal sarcoma, chances of complications of Endometrial stromal sarcoma, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Endometrial stromal sarcoma, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Endometrial stromal sarcoma. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.

The 5 year relative survival rates (comparing those with the cancer to those without the cancer; this takes into account deaths from causes other than cancer) of endometrial stromal sarcoma by stage are as follows: 

  • stage 1= 90%
  • stage 2= 40% (small number in this group, may not be accurate)
  • stage 3= 64%
  • stage 4= 37%

Stage 1= cancer only in the uterus

Stage 2= cancer is growing outside the uterus, but has not spread outside the pelvis

Stage 3= can include any of the following: has grown to tissues in the abdomen, has grown to tissues in the abdomen and 2 or more places, or the cancer in the uterus xan be any size and may have grown into tissues in the pelvis and/or abdomen

Stage 4= The cancer has spread to the urinary bladder or the rectum (lower part of the large intestine), and/or to distant organs, such as the bones or lungs. It may also be in the lymph nodes or has spread to organs no next to the uterus such as lungs or bones or it has spread to distant lymph nodes. 



Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy