Digitorenocerebral syndrome
Digitorenocerebral syndrome: A very rare syndrome characterized by numerous abnormalities involving the brain, kidneys, fingers, toes, nails and face as well as mental retardation and vision impairment.
The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Digitorenocerebral syndrome includes the 54 symptoms listed below: * Absent nails * Absent end bones of fingers * Absent end bones of toes * Kidney anomalies * Brain anomalies * Seizures * Enlarged cerebral ventricles * Infant death * Small end bones of fingers * Small end bones of toes * Large nose * Broad nasal tip * Broad forehead * Low set ears * Mental retardation * Small head * Underdeveloped kidneys * Cataract * Poor muscle tone * Patent ductus arteriosus * Dislocated hip * Stillbirth * Impaired vision * Thick gums * Adrenal gland anomaly * Respiratory distress * Heart defects * Absent nails * Absent end bones of fingers * Absent end bones of toes * Kidney anomalies * Brain anomalies * Seizures * Enlarged cerebral ventricles * Infant death * Small end bones of fingers * Small end bones of toes * Large nose * Broad nasal tip * Broad forehead * Low set ears * Mental retardation * Small head * Underdeveloped kidneys * Cataract * Poor muscle tone * Patent ductus arteriosus * Dislocated hip * Stillbirth * Impaired vision * Thick gums * Adrenal gland anomaly * Respiratory distress * Heart defects
* Absent nails * Absent nails * Brain anomalies * Brain anomalies * Broad forehead * Broad forehead * Cataract * Cataract * Dislocated hip * Dislocated hip * Heart defects * Heart defects * Impaired vision * Impaired vision * Infant death * Infant death * Kidney anomalies * Kidney anomalies * Large nose * Large nose * Low set ears * Low set ears * Mental retardation * Mental retardation * Patent ductus arteriosus * Patent ductus arteriosus * Poor muscle tone * Poor muscle tone * Respiratory distress * Respiratory distress * Seizures * Seizures * Small head * Small head * Stillbirth * Stillbirth * Underdeveloped kidneys * Underdeveloped kidneys
The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Digitorenocerebral syndrome. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Digitorenocerebral syndrome has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Digitorenocerebral syndrome signs or Digitorenocerebral syndrome symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Digitorenocerebral syndrome may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Digitorenocerebral syndrome symptoms.