Diarrhea chronic with villous atrophy


Diarrhea chronic with villous atrophy: A very rare metabolic disorder which causes abnormalities in the intestinal lining which results in chronic diarrhea. The reported patients died at 12 years of age and suffered a variety of other problems.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Diarrhea chronic with villous atrophy includes the 11 symptoms listed below: * Chronic diarrhea * Malabsorption * Diabetes mellitus * Retarded growth * Severe kidney insufficiency * Increased hair growth * Ataxia * Deafness * Degenerative eye disease * Muscle weakness * Childhood death


* Ataxia * Chronic diarrhea * Deafness * Diabetes mellitus * Increased hair growth * Malabsorption * Muscle weakness * Retarded growth


These home medical tests may be relevant to Diarrhea chronic with villous atrophy: * Colon & Rectal Cancer: Home Testing o Home Colorectal Cancer Tests o Home Fecal Occult Bleeding Tests