Diabetes insipidus- nephrogenic with mental retardation and intracerebral calcification


Diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic with mental retardation and intracerebral calcification (medical condition): A rare syndrome characterized mainly by brain calcification, mental retardation, short stature, diabetes insipidus and unusual facial appearanc+B169 e. Diabetes insipidus, nephrogenic with mental retardation and intracerebral calcification: Another name for Schofer beetz bohl syndrome (or close medical condition association).


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Schofer beetz bohl syndrome includes the 14 symptoms listed below: * Mental retardation * Diabetes insipidus * Unusual facial appearance * Brain calcification * Short stature * Downslanted eye slits * Abnormal external ears * Flat cheek bones * Small jaw * Multiple caries * Restricted joint mobility * Extra teeth * Conductive deafness * Delayed puberty


* Delayed puberty * Diabetes insipidus * Flat cheek bones * Mental retardation * Restricted joint mobility * Short stature * Small jaw * Unusual facial appearance


Home medical tests related to Schofer beetz bohl syndrome: * Mental Health: Home Testing: * Home Emotional Stress Tests * Diabetes : Related Home Testing: * Home Diabetes Tests * Home Blood Glucose Tests * Home Urine Glucose Tests * Home Urine Ketone Tests * Home Diabetes HbA1c Tests * Home Microalbumin Tests (Kidney) * Home Urine Protein Tests (Kidney) * Home Kidney Tests * Home Eye Tests