Coronal synostosis- syndactyly and jejunal atresia
A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by webbed toes, blocked small intestine and premature fusion of certain skull bones (coronal)
* Webbed 2nd and 3rd toes * Premature fusion of coronal skull bones * Webbed fingers * Narrowed anus * Blocked small intestine
Bilateral coronal suture immobilization was performed in 9-day-old rabbits to simulate the brachycephaly deformity characteristic of coronal synostosis. In conclusion, skull lengthening by distraction osteogenesis is possible in the rabbit model and offers a new technique for future investigation in the treatment of coronal synostosis. Skull morphology after early craniotomy in patients with premature synostosis of the coronal suture. Ultrasonic prenatal diagnosis of coronal suture synostosis.