Coloboma of macula type B brachydactyly


Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly: A rare disorder characterized by congenital macular colobomas and finger and toe abnormalities.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly includes the 14 symptoms listed below: * Dystrophy of hands * Dystrophy of feet * Rudimentary nails of index finger * Absent nails of index finger * Bifurcation of distal thumb phalanges * Absence of big toes * Hallux valgus * Cleft palate * Farsightedness * Rapid involuntary eye movements * Bilateral macular colobomas * Kidney aplasia * Abnormally short fingers * Abnormally short toes


The phrase "signs of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly" should, strictly speaking, refer only to those signs and symptoms of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly that are not readily apparent to the patient. The word "symptoms of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly" is the more general meaning; see symptoms of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly. The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly signs or Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly symptoms.


Prognosis of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly: poor The 'prognosis' of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly usually refers to the likely outcome of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly. The prognosis of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly may include the duration of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly, chances of complications of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly, probable outcomes, prospects for recovery, recovery period for Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly, survival rates, death rates, and other outcome possibilities in the overall prognosis of Coloboma of macula, type B brachydactyly. Naturally, such forecast issues are by their nature unpredictable.