Cleft palate short stature vertebral anomalies


Cleft palate - short stature - vertebral anomalies: A very rare syndrome characterized by a cleft palate, short stature and abnormalities of the vertebrae in the spine.


* Cleft palate * Short stature * Vertebral abnormalities * Mental retardation * Small jaw


In addition to bony crepitation, a fracture causes acute local pain, hematoma, edema, and decreased ROM. Other findings may include deformity, point tenderness, discoloration of the limb, and loss of limb function. Neurovascular damage may cause increased capillary refill time, diminished or absent pulses, mottled cyanosis, paresthesia, and decreased sensation (all distal to the fracture site). An open fracture, of course, produces an obvious skin wound.


Home medical testing related to Cleft palate - short stature - vertebral anomalies: * Cold & Flu: Home Testing: o Home Fever Tests o Home Ear Infection Tests o Home Flu Tests