

A very rare syndrome characterized mainly by tooth, skin, hair and nail abnormalities.


* Droopy eyelid * Protruding jaw * Thick nails * Small teeth * Sparse scalp hair * Absent scalp hair * Thin skin * Pigmented nevi * Reduced sweating * Missing teeth * Dry skin


medical information about signs and symptoms for Dermo-odontodysplasia has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Dermo-odontodysplasia signs or Dermo-odontodysplasia symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Dermo-odontodysplasia may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Dermo-odontodysplasia symptoms.


* Baldness: Lack of hair where it usually grows. Usually on the head. * Dental symptoms: Symptoms affecting teeth or mouth area. * Droopy eye-lid: Droopiness of the eyelids (ptosis) * Dry skin: Dryness of the skin. * Hair loss: Loss or thinning of head or body hair