Chromosome 3- monosomy 3p


Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p: A rare chromosomal disorder where a portion of chromosome 3 is absent and is characterized by mental and growth deficiency, drooping upper eyelid and polydactyly.


The list of signs and symptoms mentioned in various sources for Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p includes the 41 symptoms listed below: * Growth retardation during fetal stage * Severe mental retardation * Motor retardation * Reduced muscle tone * Small head * Flat back of skull * Joined eyebrows * Small nose * Anteverted nostrils * Long philtrum * Malformed ears * Small lower jaw * Mouth turned down at corners * Extra fingers * Extra toes * Umbilical hernia * Low set ears * Triangular face * High forehead * Long head * Drooping upper eyelid * Iris coloboma * Upward slanting space between eyelids * Wide-set eyes * Monobrow * Prominent nasal bridge * Choanal atresia * Epicanthal folds * Thin lips * Highly arched palate * Rocker bottom feet * Heart murmur * Intestinal malformations * Undescended testes * Hypoplastic bladder * Hypoplastic ureters * Hypogonadism * Kidney cysts * Motor retardation * Heart murmur * Myelination disorder of the white matter


* Anteverted nostrils * Drooping upper eyelid * Epicanthal folds * Extra fingers * Extra toes * Flat back of skull * Heart murmur * Heart murmur * High forehead * Highly arched palate * Hypogonadism * Iris coloboma * Kidney cysts * Long head * Long philtrum * Low set ears * Malformed ears * Motor retardation * Motor retardation * Prominent nasal bridge * Reduced muscle tone * Rocker bottom feet * Small head * Small lower jaw * Small nose * Thin lips * Triangular face * Umbilical hernia * Upward slanting space between eyelids * Wide-set eyes


The signs and symptom information on this page attempts to provide a list of some possible signs and symptoms of Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p. This medical information about signs and symptoms for Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p has been gathered from various sources, may not be fully accurate, and may not be the full list of Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p signs or Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p symptoms. Furthermore, signs and symptoms of Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p may vary on an individual basis for each patient. Only your doctor can provide adequate diagnosis of any signs or symptoms and whether they are indeed Chromosome 3, monosomy 3p symptoms.