Anticipated goals and use of results of the NPKUA’s 2014 National Conference: Making PKU History: 1) To present and evaluate the latest medical advances and treatment options in PKU, including the NIH and ARHQ recent efforts in evaluating PKU gaps in treatment. 2) To offer a scientific platform for discussion between PKU researchers from around the national and the world, to share findings and interact during the Scientific Exchange. 3) To education clinical practitioners as well as affected individuals and their families. 4) To further opportunities for junior investigators and researchers to interact and develop their talents and to recruit young, creative individuals to the field of inherited metabolic diseases, especially PKU. 5) To create an atmosphere of support and networking between families and individuals with PKU across the nation and around the world. Acting on the results of evaluations, the Scientific Advisory Board will plan future meetings and share the result son the NPKUA website
Mary Lou Oster-Granite, Ph.D. (301) 435-6866 [email protected]
Co-funding Institute(s):
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Office of Rare Diseases Research