protoplasmic protein matrix, omega-3 fatty oils, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, cell membrane matrix phospholipid, entracellular matrix, lipids, medium chain triglycerides, longer chain triglycerides, carbohydrates, probiotic, and phytonutrients

protoplasmic protein matrix, omega-3 fatty oils, vitamins, minerals and trace elements, cell membrane matrix phospholipid, entracellular matrix, lipids, medium chain triglycerides, longer chain triglycerides, carbohydrates, probiotic, and phytonutrients
Trade Name
Orphan Indication Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
USA Market Approval USA
USA Designation Date 2017-01-11 00:00:00
Sponsor Leonard S. Girsh, MD;Immunopath Profile, Ind., P. O. Box 770805;Naples, Florida, 34107