Walk-n-Roll for SMA

Chloe Bush is an adorable two year old that I visit and read to through a non-profit here in town called Circle of Hope. She has a terminal disease that is the #1 genetic killer of children under two.

Chloe has surpassed that scary birthday but is still terribly ill and will sadly die one day before her time. She has an amazing family with a mother who never lets you see her sad; she just tries to make this little girls life as wonderful as possible and counts her blessings each day she has to spend with her.

A dear, close friend of the family, Robin Luster, is doing a fundraiser on August 1st, 2009 from 9am-2pm at Dublin Park in Madison in Chloe’s honor to help with costs for research on this terrible disease, SMA (spinal muscular atrophy). The Congress has been working on funding for SMA, but we all have to show them how many people are involved in finding a cure. If you could make it to this event, we would be ecstatic, but if not, please consider this cause for one of your annual charitable contributions for 2009. Another option is for your business to be a sponsor and help offset costs for the walk to be more profitable. I just received an email today from Huntsville Havoc in which they will donate tickets; every little bit counts for this amazing little girl. If you were to meet her, she would blow you away at how intelligent and sensitive she is; a gift from God.

If you would like to be a part of this event, please sign up by July 17th in order to receive a T-shirt if you can walk. If not, any donation or gifts to contribute will help this little girl that has stolen my entire family’s heart. This family has taught me how to be grateful for what I have, even when I think it’s bad. Nothing can be worse than knowing you are going to lose your young child before you should.

Thanks for listening and I hope you decide to help out this fundraiser for Chloe. I love her so much and trust me; all the SMA kids will thank you one day.

Info on fundraiser:


Info on Chloe Bush:


Local news channel story on Chloe:


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